Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bhaktapur Cancer Hospital that Providing Leukemia Treatment

ancer is one of the growing menaces which needs to be addressed soon to give the Nepalese people a better life. The number of these patients is increasing and more and more people are suffering from these disease. Unfortunately, most of the patients come late in their disease process, so that the doctors cannot even think of curing them. Thus, we need a centre where this disease is treated in a holistic manner, such that best prevention, diagnosis, treatment, palliative care are all available in one centre. This is the only way, we can treat all Nepalese who come with this disease in whatever stage, and nobody is sent away because of lack of anything, especially facilities and manpower.

There are two cancer hospitals in Nepal. The Bharatpur cancer hospital is doing a good job, but they still cannot compete with the facilities and the number of specialties able to give service to these unfortunate patients. Similarly, Bhaktapur cancer hospital has the same problem but compounded due to its small size. TUTH with its all its resources can be of great help to give the state of the art cancer management through Suresh Wagle Cancer Center. Thus, Nepal Government has budgeted as a priority a building of a cancer center in TUTH.

The need of Suresh Wagle Cancer Center in Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital (TUTH) is that cancer encompasses all specialties in its management, from state of art diagnostic centre to best surgical, medical, gynaecology, psychiatry, physiotherapy and many more specialities. Cancer can occur in any part or organ of the body and at this time in Nepal, TUTH is the only institute with all the facilities and the specialties that can manage any cancer in any part of the body.

Research is another important division to help in giving a state of the art management to the cancer patient. Institute of Medicine (IOM) with its international recognition and its academic facilities, such as Medical Education Department and Research Department can be a very good place for research. These departments are supported by a Department of Information Technology. Thus, the good research that can be done in Suresh Wagle Cancer Center can bring international recognition as well as support. Further more it will ultimately help in providing better service to the cancer patients.

Having all this in one compound will help in avoiding spending large amount of money in building and developing these facilities and specialties in a new place. Thus, the Suresh Wagle Cancer Center in the same compound as TUTH can use all these facilities and specialties and concentrate in oncological service while providing a holistic treatment to any cancer patients.


Cancer Cure Gives Life Back to Young Boy

Supnil Bhandari is an eight year old with a great fighting spirit and a ready smile. Thanks to Dr Baral, Director
of Bhaktapur Cancer Hospital Nepal and his great team, Supnil is now in remission from Cancer and looking forward to going home.
The Bhaktapur Cancer Hospital is the only charitable hospital in Nepal and in a country where cancer treatment is economically beyond the reach of most people, it’s Dr Baral and his team who often provide the difference between life and death.
“The medical team provided such good care and love for my son” said Mr Bhandari. “We travelled by bus for 350km to come to the hospital to treat my son, I was worried for him, but the doctors reassured me that they would do everything possible for Supnil, they save my son’s life and I am so happy”.
Supnil is one of the luckiest ones to survive but unfortunately there are many more like Supnil who need your help. 

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